Someone once said that my Mom and I are so alike we “are like one person”. That was odd, and kinda creepy. We are our own people, but I think, given some grace, what they meant was that we are in synch, simpatico, strongly bonded.
We are close, but able to have conflict. Loving, but not best friends. She is a mom, not a buddy. And thank goodness, because when I fucked up or when I was fucked up or now as my life is getting fucked up, I needed a MOM. This Mom.
This woman who in just two months has been elected to the residential committee, taken on shifts at the gift shop, joined the annual festival committee, and is currently mid-coup in the garden club…this working mom who anonymously paid for braces and eyeglasses for strangers kids. This artist who got bored sitting on the board so decided to actually work IN the domestic abuse shelter. This traveler who never before sailed or spoke another language who sailed the Mediterranean in her sixties.
This bright light, an Eldest Daughter and my North Star. Also, one hell of a stealth farter. Seriously, don’t get behind her at the Target.