I had my chest revision surgery on Thursday. Some women are built so that the initial mastectomy surgery, if they go Flat, leaves a pleasing flat and smooth chest. Others, usually those built like me, are left with a moonscape of craters and lumps. Needing second surgery, usually a day surgery and relatively minor, isn’t unusual.
I had, as my child described it, “two little matzo balls” in the middle of my chest. The extra skin where the stitches came together under my arms left me with annoying flesh pillow corners, called dog ears. The center nubbins were always sore, and the difference between contours of the radiated and non radiated sides was very noticeable. The non cancer side had what we named “the crumb catcher”, an odd fold of skin by my rib cage.
I’ve been very content to have chosen AFC (Aesthetic Flat Closure). Fewer surgeries, less risk of infection, no foreign objects in my body. And after a lifetime of backaches and blouses that wouldn’t button, I feel lighter and sleeker. But the final results needed some work.
I’m very sore, and bruised like I was in a car wreck, but this is the first procedure that was completely my choice and solely to make me feel better. I had to wait a year after radiation to get the revision surgery done, so it was a very happy day.
Also a long time coming is the upstairs renovation—dividing the large bungalow train cars of oddly shaped rooms into proper bedrooms and putting in four—-FOUR—-closets (!). One wall came down, two more went up, and the oddball cupboards and arches got filled in. We salvaged four of our original solid wood doors; after stripping and painting they look amazing. (How is it possible we still have five more unused doors in the basement?). We started the project a few weeks ago, the painters are almost done, it should all be wrapped up soon.
So, I’m sitting up recuperating in my comfy bed, hoping the skin under my bandages is smooth and pretty, enjoying the new pocket doors and cheerfully painted walls.
OMG I just realized the paint color I picked is nipple pink.