In a valiant effort to reduce our TV time, we’ve designated nightly themes—Monday Movie Night, Tuesday Game Night, Wednesday Art & Crafts, Thursday Cozy Book Time, etc.
We love TV, and our iPads and our phones and I don’t feel any shame in that. We consume what I think is the very best in education and entertainment…The Muppets, The Simpsons, etc. But winter is coming; when it’s dark and cold we do screen overload.
So, week one of Mama’s big plan. We’ve watched The Little Mermaid, played something called Clack!, doodled and painted, and had a nice quiet evening reading.
We've also had a long week—math homework, customers, bloody noses, Big Meetings, doctors appointments, holiday anxiety, moody meltdowns and all the usual chaos. Tonight, we’re done—
I’ve been in bed since five, Paulie ordered two pizzas, the kids went through a six pack of soda, all the iPads are in use simultaneously and the TV is playing YouTube videos.
We call it Fuck It Friday.