You were arrogant, and set me up to be attacked. You literally lay in wait for your moment to belittle me, a stranger to you.
You enjoyed being superior.
You, who do not know me at all or our company’s history or policies, called me a hypocrite.
You opened our relationship with an attack that you enjoyed doing. Your body language (leaning back in position of power, tapping my business card, legs crossed) said I’m pulling a power play and I’m enjoying it.
Me, in the position of lesser power because I am your guest, I am trying to keep your companies business and I make my living literally by whether or not you buy from me, AND because I’m a woman, had few choices.
When I tried politely to tell you what it was like to be us, how you were WRONG, you spoke over me, interrupted me and argued meaningless points like “stormed out” vs “walked out”.
At one point, in pathetic desperation, you pointed your finger at me and accused me of being biased. Why? Because I lumped you and your companion in the same category, the category that suffers from so much bias (eye roll). That category is “rude people”. If you don’t rein in your companion’s atrociously bad behavior, guess what, you are also guilty.
You took every opportunity to prove your weak WRONG point, and didn’t consider for a moment that you could be wrong until I showed a visible emotional reaction, stood up to leave and told you that I couldn’t work with you.
Only when threatened with me quitting/firing you did you stop to consider my position.
When you did apologize you didn’t apologize for your initial behavior or your behavior at our meeting but for “causing you stress”. A classic move, blaming my reaction to the problem instead of owning your WRONGNESS. You made it about my feelings instead of your feelings which were superiority, inferiority (because making this point was so important to you I assume you are actually quite insecure in your own abilities) and power. You literally looked satisfied when you used the word hypocrisy. It was delicious to you. You enjoyed making someone else feel discomfort and fear.
You were so committed to being right that you then continued to bring up another point, this one truly meaningless, just to stick it to me. Pointing out a minor website error benefits nothing except your own sense of self importance. When I said you probably have to do a hard refresh to see the update you then went BACK TO YOUR OFFICE TO DO THAT just to prove me wrong. I said well, maybe it just got missed, it’s not a big deal.
When I checked later, because the website is also my responsibility among all the other jobs I have to do to keep our business rolling through crises after crises (one of which has been exacerbated by anti-maskers like your buddy), it turns out you are WRONG AGAIN. I said do a HARD refresh, which is different than just refreshing your browser. The error you referred to was indeed already updated at the time of our meeting. Of course, it was my own insecurity that made me double check. Here I was, reacting to you, taking my precious time to double check a minor error WHICH DOES NOT MATTER.
It only mattered as a tool for you to again show your arrogant superiority over me and make me uncomfortable while trapped in your presence.
You are an asshole.