Intake nurse: “How are you?”
Terrible, I feel like crap. I have pain all the time and I’m exhausted.
Intake nurse: “Oh really? But no fever?”
Blood draw nurse: “How are you doing?”
Terrible, I feel like crap. I have pain all the time and I’m exhausted
Blood Draw Nurse: “You’re having pain? That’s odd”
Radiation Oncologist: “How are you doing?”
Terrible, I feel like crap. I have pain all the time and I’m exhausted.
Radiation Oncologist: “Still?”
Surgeon: “How are you doing?”
Terrible, I feel like crap. I have pain all the time and I’m exhausted.
Surgeon: “Really? At week four? But no fever?”
Nurse navigator: “You have an infection and also your red blood count is way down! Are you sure you didn’t have a fever?”
Radiation Oncologist: “No wonder, well we can’t do any radiation until you are well, you have this infection! And did you know your blood count is so low?”
Surgeon: “Oh, you totally have an infection, that’s probably causing all the pain”
Oncologist: “Your very low red blood cell counts would indicate fatigue, are you fatigued?”
Chemo Nurse: “Girl I just saw your numbers, you are so sick! Let’s get these meds in you and get you out of here”