Mastectomy feels as brutal as it looks. I thought I would feel better by now, week 4. Not completely better or healed of course, but much better than I do feel. The three drains are still in, and still producing more than 30ml of fluid each day. One of them, the bugger, likes to produce as much as 100ml in a day. There’s nothing I can do to change that, I just have to wait for my body to absorb more liquid. And wait and wait and wait...
The iron bra sensation (exactly as it sounds) has improved, but by the end of the day I’m curled up like a roll-poly bug. The swelling moves across my chest and sides and back again like gelatin. Where there is swelling, there is usually pain. I’m now able to rise out of bed from a completely flat position by myself, which is an improvement. For the first two weeks I had to be propped on a wedge with additional pillows wedged in on each side. Paulie compared it to packing in a driver for the race.
Three things I have learned during this process:
1) There is no standard of care post-mastectomy. All my online support groups are clattering with conversations about my doctor said this, that doctor said that. Even from my own cancer team, I got conflicting advice for post operative self care.
2) Infinitely more money, time, and research has gone into building fake breasts than healing chests. Just put like 1% of that please to post surgery healing and flat closure techniques pretty please, a pittance.
3) Dressing with a flat chest and finding clothes that will flatter me is not a problem. I repeat, NOT A PROBLEM. To all the dear Facebook ladies who worry that they won’t find tops that look good after their mastectomy, ahem, I see you wearing nothing but sports team sweatshirts before too.