Here is a photo of 3 1/2 year old Charlie painting the basement wall during quarantine to show that Paulie isn't always a softie.
Paulie and I have long argued that he dotes on the kids too much. Of course, the other side of that argument is that I am Slacker Mom. Or Strict Mom. Or just Exhausted Mom.
Tonight, as usual, tired Paulie was drawing pictures of the full cast of The Muppets on demand, making multiple snacks, and sitting in a chair 5" off the ground. I offered to take care of the kids the remainder of the night so he could go rest early. Two minutes later Charlie announces it's nighttime, puts down his crayon and goes up the stairs by himself. He gets undressed and tucks himself in. Viv makes them self an ice cream treat and then follows.
So, I'm either Slacker Mom or completely, 100% totally boring to my kids.