It's been a difficult time, this new world we live in. Trump has unleashed the worst in people, and yet, no one at work mentions any of it. On social media and the news, the world is on fire. At the office, everything is hunky dorey.
I've had one customer mention it, by round-about comment that the "direction the country is going in" is helping his business grow. I stumbled on that. Was he being facetious? No, he was fishing. Fishing for approval. Conversationally, I made an abrupt left turn to neutral ground. Later, I wondered, am I complicit?
I ixnayed Facebook ad on my feed from Pro Life Wisconsin because A) I won't change my mind about Choice, and 2) It's misleading (erroneous information about birth control). Facebook asked me if I no longer want to see advertisements aimed at people who like the Green Bay Packers.
It appears the algorithms don't even know who is who anymore.