Charlie is five weeks old tomorrow. I have aged five years. Some highlights:
-"Am I wearing pants? Not 'should I wear pants', but can you tell me at this moment do I have my pants on?"
-"They are so cute so that you won't kill them" (thanks Grandma)
-"The sheets were always so scratchy" (birth story from another era)
-"Your boob looks like a weapon"
-"Uh oh mama, he fell off your boob!"
-The third sling is the charm. Or the fourth...
-"What are you going to do for three whole months?" (Apparently maternity leave is a vacation)
-We have enough baby blankets. What we need is a Walgreens platinum card. That's a thing, right?
-"It goes up his butt til the stopper then you listen for the whistle"