The trailer sold today. The new owners tow it away this weekend. It's going to a good home, just across the peninsula of Door County to folks who have a place to work on it and finish what we started. It's so close to being done, and yet so far---it still lacked hot water, a working shower and stove. Wait, am I talking about my trailer or my house? Oh, yes, that's why I decided to sell it.
A few months back, Paulie and I decided to reduce our renovation projects to just one. I voted to sell the house, but got vetoed. (Ha ha)
It's a happy coincidence that the bathroom work is really under way the same week. Well, not really a coincidence since the trailer proceeds are funding it. As I looked at the beautiful beadboard walls finished today, I noticed that the bathroom is long and narrow and nearly the same length as the trailer. THIS little space of my own better have hot water soon!