(Left) BEFORE : mauve baseboard trim, pink walls
(Right) AFTER: cream and clean
It is subtle in a photo, but makes a huge impact in person. Painting the stringer (the previously mauve stairway baseboard) and the walls my favorite putty-cream color (Benajmin Moore Natural Cream) makes the stairwell and hallway feel clean and bright. Like everything in this house, the walls and baseboards were a dirty beige pink color, as well as just plain dirty. But now the newly revealed stair paint history is even more amazing. I love it.
Viv has been climbing these steps now, after showing no interest for months. Now it's "step! step!" And counting as she climbs with her little stick legs and big clunky baby shoes. My favorite number is "eleventeen".
(left) BEFORE: Dingy walls, no light and nasty nasty carpet.
(Right) AFTER: Clean walls, a skylight and a bit of colorful history.