The Rossettos are an easy group to please. I have never known people so happy to recieve socks as gifts. They enjoy them so much that I wasn't the only one giving them--Lisa gave everyone cashmere socks!
I wasn't there for the Turtleneck or Underwear years, but I can imagine they were just as fun. The dress Gina made for Viv is gorgeous, and though it is a bit big on little CiCi, she looked like a doll. It reminded me of the dresses mom made for us, and of the classic velvet ones from Saks in the 80's.
Mom is the easiest and most welcome house guest---no complaints about only one working shower, plaster falling off the bathroom walls or trying to cook a holiday meal in our crumbling, disjointed mess of a kitchen. And she sure can carve up a roasted chicken!
Viv is both the most pleasant of all and the most difficult. The box of puppies was a huge hit, but she was so keyed up from all the socializing (and chocolate) that most of last night was spent wrestling her to sleep.
Monday was Moms surprise belated birthday night out, Tuesday was Christmas Eve at Kenmore, after we dropped off mom at the airport yesterday it was all day with the Rossettos (from church to chocolate it's a whole day affair), Saturday is the Rossetto Boat House party, Sunday is Dads day here.... it is just me, Paul and Viv and our new cozy robes. Today, we are taking it easy...