" Friday's shootings bring the total in the last week to 26. Eight people have been killed in those shootings."
That's just one week. In my town. In Milwaukee. Not Syria, not Afghanistan. I'm so frustrated and sad and feel helpless to do anything about it. We are slaughtering our own, letting our neighbors and fellow Americans get injured and killed. As if poverty and segregation and humiliation wasn't enough. And as long as we (by we I mean white, privileged, educated, wealthy, ---pretty much every single person I know) can distance ourselves with excuses and gated neighborhoods from the poor, the left behind and the institutionally enslaved (incarcerated), it will continue.
It's so dishearteneing to hear complaints about workers fighting for a better minimum wage--"I had to work hard for only so much, they should too". I hear so many ways that we justify poverty; justify our Having and their Suffering. I've heard immigrants disparage other immigrant populations. I hear elderly folks and veterans cling to their social benefits, but deny others even the basic entry to schools. I hear young people bemoan their student loan debt (I don't disagree), and in the next breathe say that fast food workers only make so little because they are uneducated and it's their own fault. We can only measure our success as a community by how we care for the least among us.
Some days, though I am a dedicated atheist, I feel like a lonely Christian.