I went to Chicago for an Easter Lunch with the Q's yesterday---the drive was fabulous, the sunshine and big blue sky a welcome change from Oregon's permanent haze. It would really perk me up, all that naturally-attained vitamin D, if I wasn't so damn tired from all the recent change. A vitamin can only do so much! The gathering was at MG and Kurt's new apartment in the
330 West Diversey building, where Mom used to live and where MaryGrace, Kurt and Patsy also lived once before. It was strange and comforting to be in such a familiar place.
Grandma Mickey asked me how the new job was going: "I don't have a clue what I'm doing". Laughter.
I had brought a little something for my cousin Andrew because it was his 13th birthday last time I was in town, and another same little something for my cousin Joe because he just picked his college, and a third little something because you never know if there'll be another kid there and well...you gotta be fair. There was a third kid there, a friend of Andrew's, so I gave her the gift--an iTunes card. She was at first perplexed, but then very pleased and thanked me. I shrugged and was relieved I had enough to pass around, even to the quiet kid I didn't know from Adam. It was an awkward moment for us both.
An hour later I realized the grateful little girl was not a friend of Andrew's, but my own cousin Maddy!