-I farted once (once!) during Mom's visit, she of the Frequent Gaseous Outburst, and she outed me in public. "Did you just fart?!" (loud, pointed tone of voice on public transport).
-I reluctantly now have The Cable. It took me three days to figure out how to turn it on after Mom left, but now, I must admit, I might kinda sorta...ok, I love it.
-I have a new rug in the den. Mary Grace sent it to me at Mom's request--it was one from the big house in Fondy. As I recall, it was the "make out rug", soft and cozy and strategically placed behind the sofa and near the french doors to the back exit. It looks great, really makes the room. Like a little shrine--"Here lies the spot where I last saw action, all those decades ago..."
-I might start a Midwest social group of some sort..I've received a far amount of interest, but need one more push to really do it...The Corn-fed Social Club. What do ya think, hey?
-We found oodles of Mom's old recipes--some quite dated, with ingredient lists that contain only items in packages and cans for example. "One can cream of mushroom soup, one package cream cheese..." So, Mom made Betty's Beef, the recipe that just won't die. Somewhere, in India, a hungry child is asking what's for dinner; "Betty's Beef". Somewhere in Iceland, a fisherman is opening a packet of Liptons Onion Soup Mix...