Overwhelmed with tasks, customers and staff....it started at 10am.
"Kate, the women's toilet is clogged."
Ok, ok, whatever. Can't you see I'm busy here? You take care of it. Of course, I didn't say that. What I said was "Ok, I'll look into it in a minute". A minute turned into three or four fire-filled hours, solving problems, taking orders, and answering phones. Then:
"Kate, I think there's a dead rat in the utility room".
Jesus. What do you think I can do about it? And again, not what I said out loud, which was this: "Alright, I'll look into it."
All day long, time after time, staff member after staff member --"Toilet's still clogged". "Something smells dead in that back room". Someone even used the toilet a second time!
When I was 18 and striking out on my own, working loser clerk jobs and dreaming of being a grown up, of 'making it', of having a career....yes, this is what I dreamed my life at 35 would be like....success, respect and ability, talent and meaningful work....
Clogged toilets and dead rats. Yep, that's me on my 35th birthday--living the dream.