After a week of false alarms, Portland finally got the big snow storm yesterday morning. Big wet flakes, low visibility, closed roads...the works.
I was trapped at home, up on the hill, unable to drive or even walk down the slippery slopes. Just down the road from me, my old street was closed to traffic. SW 20th, the road I usually take to work, was the scene of more than a dozen accidents. A nieghbor even filmed a domino-series of accidents as an SUV failed to make the hill and crashed around like a pinball, hitting every parked car on its slide back down.
A co-worker with tire chains, and fortitude, is coming to pick me up this morning. He had 'chained up' and headed to the mountain for ski-ing yesterday, so has no fear of this little trek. Oh to be young again, and not worried about car insurance rates!