"Sorry, this seat's taken."
It's commonly understood that most dogs will eat most anything. Garbage, grass, their own poop, etc.
Yesterday, Ruby was not occupying her usual spot next to me on the sofa, where I was lounging and watching tv. "Come on Rubes, you're missing Law & Order SVU". I actually said this to my dog.
She was in the bedroom, the doorway of which is in view (heck, it's within arms length) of the sofa. In response to my call, Ruby poked her head around the door frame, blinked once and turned back to whatever was occupying her out of sight. Like a child being TOO quiet, something was up. Curiousity got me off the couch...what was so special in the bedroom? Had she squirreled away a chewy treat? A snack from the garbage can?
Nope...she was eating her own barf.