...I can't get that song out of my head, now that I've finally been able to book a flight. Budgetary considerations mean a later departure than hoped for, but, October 31st, Halloween!, is as good a day to arrive as any. I'll be in Savannah for a few days, to see friends and (bad pun warning) old haunts and then to pack up my belongings out of storage and into a rented minivan. Then, Miss Ruby and I are off to Portland! I've been hemming and hawing about this decision, going to Savannah first (rather than later in the year) and driving across country was a last minute choice, but after a good think, I'm very happy with this arrangement---everything done in one fell swoop, a few creature comforts (like my melon baller) for starting out in Portland, and the chance for one last local hurray with friends I've really been missing. And I'm never one to pass up the chance for a road trip! Girl and dog meet open road--woo-hoo!!
An added bonus---the drive path takes me within a stone's throw of my Grandparent's home in Nebraska, I'll be stopping by for a visit. If I can find them past all that corn.