rather than handle a paintbrush in the studio, today i worked on La Tishie Mae instead....touching up the non-slip paint "topside" ("foredeck" to "midships")...mom hated the color (i think because she was not in on the choosing) but i like it and it seems to have grown on her as well. its kinda powder-blue meets turquoise meets mid-50's aqua. very Med. nice to have a cool color to look at...its hot as hell up on that white fiberglass, in the direct sun on a still day you can fry inside of an hour.
Manoo (phonetic spelling) at the "chandler's" (shipservices shop) found the neccessary "anti-fouling" paint for the underside...in time for Bert to do the second coat today, crucial for staying on schedule.
of course, the 'schedule' is completely blown anyway...no way she's going in this weekend, but no matter...another week or two and she'll be in..and looking great!